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Have you filed for your exemptions?

There are different exemptions that will reduce or defer an increase in the equalized value of your property.
General Homestead Exemption
Senior Homestead Exemption
Low Income Senior Freeze Exemption
Disabled Persons Exemption
Disabled Veterans Exemption

Homestead Exemption for Persons with Disabilities (HEPD)

PTAX-343 & PTAX-343R

This exemption lowers the equalized assessed value of your property by $2,000 starting in tax year 2007, and may be claimed in addition to the General Homestead Exemption and the Senior Citizen's Homestead Exemptions, if applicable. This exemption cannot be claimed in addition to the Disabled Veterans' Standard Homestead Exemption or the Disabled Veterans' Exemption of $100,000; you can only receive one of these exemptions and, if you are a veteran, you should choose to apply for the one most beneficial to you.

Exemption Amount – $2,000 on the equalized assessed value


To qualify and receive this exemption, you must:


  • Own or have a legal or equitable interest in the property

  • Have lived on the property on or before January 1st of the tax year.

  • Be disabled under the Federal Social Security Act and supply either:

    • A copy of your Illinois Disabled Person Identification Card (PDF) stating that you are under a Class 2 disability (for each year you qualify); or

    • Proof of Social Security Administration Social Security Benefits. This proof includes an award letter, verification letter, or annual cost of living adjustment (COLA) - This paperwork must be issued in the tax year for which you are applying. Whichever you supply, it must indicate that the benefits are for disability; or

    • Proof of Veterans Administration disability benefits which would be an award letter showing total 100% disability; or

    • Proof of Railroad or Civil Service disability benefits which would be an award letter showing a total 100% disability.

  • Please note that this exemption requires annual verification of eligibility.

    The Chief County Assessment Office will mail the appropriate forms each year to all disabled persons who received the exemption in the prior year.


Please note that this exemption will require annual verification of eligibility.

Documents required:

-  Current Valid Drivers license. Address must match the property address. 

Disabled ID Card stating Class 2 or 2A disability  or  PTAX-343-A Physicians Statement Form.

Social Security Administration Benefits it must indicate that the benefits are for disability

Trust Agreement (Only needed if property is in a Trust)


If you file yourself online, you will need to upload copies of necessary documents including a copy of your Drivers license. Or you can bring them to our office and we can file for you.

How & Where to File

Call to Schedule Appointment & Visit Us

Antioch Township Assessor's Office  1490 Main St, Antioch IL 60071



First time Applicants

Sign up & Submit the Disabled Persons Homestead Exemption Form ​Online

Annual Renewal Applicants

Submit the Disabled Persons Homestead Exemption Renewal Form ​Online

Office Hours 

Monday – Friday  8:30AM-4:30PM 

*Hours subject to change due to staffing*

Office Address 

1490 Main Street

Antioch, Illinois 60002

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