Exemptions Information
What is the Illinois Homestead Exemption Program, and who qualifies?
There are seven different types of exemptions, this program will reduce or defer an increase in the equalized value of your property. The net effect of these exemptions is to lower the assessed valuation to which the tax rate is then applied. Qualifications and application procedures vary for each program. However, you must own the property to qualify for any of these exemptions.
Can I estimate the amount of my exemption?
Yes. Here are some examples for 2023 tax year payable 2024.
Tax year 2022 payable in 2023 has lower exemption amounts for GHE & SHE.
General Homestead Multiply the $8,000 reduction in EAV by the total tax rate (ex 10%) = $800 estimated exemption
Senior Homestead Multiply the $8,000 reduction in EAV by the total tax rate (ex 10%) = $800 estimated exemption
Disabled Persons Homestead Multiply $2,000 reduction EAV by total tax rate (ex 10%) = $200 estimated exemption
*Tax rate is shown on your most recent property tax bill and varies by location.
Benefit Access Program
(formerly known as Circuit Breaker and Pharmaceutical Assistance Claim)
The benefits now available are:
Seniors Free Transit Ride
The Persons with Disabilities Free Transit Ride
Secretary of State License Plate Discount
Do I qualify for the Benefit Access Program?
Note: Use of the word spouse also includes a civil union partner.
Apply on the Benefit Access Application if you meet the following requirements:
you must be 65 years of age or older by December 31 of the current year; or
you must be 16 years of age or older and totally disabled before January 1 of this year.
NOTE: "Person with a disability" means a person unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of a medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months. [320 ILCS 25/3.14]
you must live in Illinois at the time you file your application.
Income Limit Eligibility for the License Plate discount and/or Ride Free Transit Card:
Your total income last year must be less than
$33,562 for a 1 person household (yourself only); or
$44.533 for a 2 person household (yourself and your spouse, or yourself and one Qualified Additional Resident); or
$55,500 for a 3 person household (yourself, your spouse and one Qualified Additional Resident, or yourself and two Qualified Additional Residents).
NOTE: You must include your spouse's income if married and living together on December 31 of last year. If your spouse died last year, you would file as single and claim only your income. Do NOT include the income of a Qualified Additional Resident.
*Click here for a list of what is considered income.
Eligibility is good for two years under the Benefit Access Program. The two-year period starts at the time your application is approved. You may file again beginning 90 days before your eligibility expires.
To be determined eligible for these benefits, you must submit a Benefit Access Application on the Internet. Paper applications are not available. Please note that current processing times to determine eligibility of your Benefits Access Application is approximately 12 weeks.
Once your application is approved you may print a note of eligibility to take to your local transit authority or Secretary of State Office.
Please wait 10 business days from the date of your approval for your license plate discount to be available.
If you requested the ride free benefit, please contact your local public transit system for further information.
Your local transit system may have additional requirements in order to obtain the free ride.
You can check the Website at anytime to determine your application status here.
Once you are approved here are instructions on how to pay for your vehicle registration.
For information or help applying, visit a local office of the following:
Senior Health Assistance Program or Area Agency on Aging
Call toll-free:
1-800-252-8966 or 1-888-206-1327 (TTY)
Note: Have your Social Security number ready when you call.
E-mail: Aging.ILSenior@illinois.gov
Office Hours
Monday – Friday 8:30AM-4:30PM
*Hours subject to change due to staffing*
Office Address
1490 Main Street
Antioch, Illinois 60002